I'm going to say something that hardly anyone will agree with. I kind of miss MySpace. I didn't enjoy going to a person's page and waiting for 10 minutes for their 301 pictures of some lame musician to load or getting blasted with spam e-mail upon spam e-mail. But, I had fun adjusting the page and adding music that I liked to listen to. But my favorite thing to do was write blogs. Some of my current Facebook friends were MySpace friends of mine and read and commented on my blogs. I usually complained. It was mostly about inane crap like American Idol or Volkswagen commercials. Sometimes it was about politics or something important, but even then I usually insulted someone with an off color joke and it turned into a flame war. But it was fun.
When I respond to Facebook posts, I like to keep my barbs more in keeping with laconic speech; short, quick and disarming. But when talking or writing about something I enjoy such as (my family/Star Wars/hockey) or something I disdain(politicians/reality TV/anything Pittsburgh-centric), I can be quite verbose. Ask my wife. She'll back that up 100%. The old MySpace blogs gave me a perfect outlet for that. Plus I could insert pictures in the appropriate places and banter back and forth with those that liked or didn't like what I wrote.
I'm not exactly sure if Facebook has a function like the old MySpace blog, but so far I haven't found it. One of my favorite blogs I put up was a series of fan photos and comments for football teams around the NFL. It took about two weeks to complete, but when it was done there was a little bit of pride there. I was looking back over my page a couple of weeks ago and I realized I missed writing. So I decided to do this. I hope you enjoy it, and that you interact with me here. Tell me it's funny, tell me it sucks. Doesn't matter to me, just enjoy your stay.
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